Our dear friend, Eduard van Hoorn, passed away peacefully last Tuesday.

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We used to sit and enjoy the sacrament together every Sunday. His last words to me were: “Bardur, please don’t forget me when you go to church.” That day, which was his last Sunday here on earth, I could not take him with me, as I was out of town. He was a very special man and I will for sure never forget him. He will always have a place in my heart. Bless you, until we meet again.


Brother Ed Van Hoorn with Elder Skyler

In his memory: Don’t Forget Me (one of my favourite songs)


“Don’t Forget Me”

In the wintertime
Keep your feet warm
But keep your clothes on and don’t forget me
Keep the memories
But keep your powder dry too

In the summer by the poolside
While the fireflies are all around you
I’ll miss you when I’m lonely
I’ll miss the sunshine too

Now don’t forget me
Please don’t forget me
Make is easy on me just for a little while
You know I think about you
I hope you’ll think about me too

When we’re older a little slower
It doesn’t matter now come on get happy
‘Cause nothing lasts forever
But I will always love you

Now don’t forget me
Please don’t forget me
Make is easy on me just for a little while
You know I think about you
I hope you’ll think about me too


The gift of the Holy Ghost

Gjöf heilags anda

These past weeks had been pretty amazing and exhausting as well, for me so far. Started with the Easter season followed by the General Conference. Had a great time out in the nature with my husband last weekend and we just celebrated our 7th year wedding anniversary last first day of summer while helping my sister and brother in law move their stuffs to soon to be their new home. Now I am looking forward to celebrate our youngest son, Aron’s 3rd birthday this coming Wednesday.

Síðustu vikur hafa verið mér dásamlegar og líka erfiðar, fram að þessu. Fyrst var það páskahátíðin og þar á eftir aðalráðstefnan. Síðustu helgi átti ég yndislegar stundir úti í náttúrunni með eiginmanni mínum og við minntumst sjö ára giftingarafmælis okkar á sumardaginn fyrsta, á sama degi og við hjálpuðum systur minni og mági að flytja eitthvað af búslóð þeirra í nýja heimilið þeirra. Og nú hlakka ég til að halda upp á þriggja ára afmæli yngsta sonar okkar, Arons Nóa, á næsta miðvikudag.

 But this joyous and celebratory feeling was interrupted when we heard the news of a fellow church member, a Sunday companion, died suddenly last Tuesday. The very last message we got from him was, he reminding Bardur to not forget to pick him up and take him to church with us, that would have been last Sunday. But we werent able to do so for we were out of town that weekend.

En aðeins dró þó úr gleðinni og hamingjunni þegar við heyrðum þau tíðindi að samferðamaður okkar í kirkjunni, sunnudagsfélagi, hafi látist skyndilega á síðasta þriðjudegi. Síðustu orð hans til okkar voru áminning til Bárðar um að gleyma ekki að taka hann með okkur í kirkju, sem var þá á sunnudaginn fyrir viku síðan. Við gátum þó ekki gert það, því við vorum utanbæjar þessa helgi. 

 I felt grief in my heart and find it hard to be really happy in celebrating our wedding anniversary. As i kept pondering about it, this warm and comforting feeling fell upon me telling me, that he is happy of where he is at now and that if he would have been here and knew it was mine and Bardur’s wedding anniversary, he would actually have offered us to babysit so we could go and celebrate! Probably the only regret i have on him. For not letting him have that pleasure of babysitting when he offered us to do so a couple of times. And i got this confirming knowledge that i will see him again. We will all see him again.

Ég fann sorg í hjarta og var ekki fyllilega glöð þegar við héldum upp á giftingardaginn okkar. Þegar ég hugleiddi dauða hans, kom yfir mig ljúf og hughreystandi tilfinning sem staðfesti að hann væri hamingjusamur þar sem hann væri núna og ef hann hefði enn verið á meðal okkar, og vitað að ég og Bárður ættum giftingarafmæli, þá hefði hann í raun boðist til að passa Aron fyrir okkur, svo við gætum átt góða stund saman! Eina eftirsjá mín er þá líklega sú að hafa ekki leyft honum að njóta þeirrar ánægju að passa fyrir okkur, eftir að hann hafði boðist til þess nokkrum sinnum. Og ég fékk þessa fullvissu tilfinningu um að ég myndi sjá hann aftur. Við munum öll sjá hann aftur.

 On such times, when somone we know passes away, we can feel the comforting wisperings of the Holy Gost, ensuring us about the love and mercy of God.  Love knows no boundaries. While Ed is no longer physically with us, his spirit will always be around us.  Ed had a great character and a big heart. I am deeply saddened by the loss we all share. I am assured that we will be comforted by our memories and our love which is very much alive. I hope that all the great moments that we were able to have with him before he passed away will bring us comfort through the Holy Spirit.

Á slíkum tíma, þegar einhver deyr sem við þekkjum, þá getum við fundið ljúfa huggun heilags anda, sem fullvissar okkur um kærleika og miskunn Guðs. Kærleikurinn sér engin takmörk. Þótt Ed sé ekki lengur á meðal okkar í líkamanum, þá mun hann alltaf vera með okkur í anda. Ed var góður maður með stórt hjarta. Ég er afar sorgmædd yfir þessum missi okkar allra. Ég veit að minningarnar munu hlýja okkur um hjartarætur og vekja kærleika okkar. Ég vona að allar þær yndislegu stundir sem við áttum saman með Ed, áður en hann fór frá okkur, muni færa okkur huggun með heilögum anda.


Brother Ed Van Hoorn with Elder Skyler

 Think of what this means, the ability and the right to receive the ministrations of a member of the Godhead, to be comforted in our sorrows and to commune with infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, and infinite power!

Hugsið ykkur merkingu þess að geta notið þeirra forréttinda að vera þjónað af einum meðlimi Guðdómsins, að njóta huggunar í sorgum okkar og njóta óendanlegrar visku, þekkingar og máttar!

 The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead and, as the name implies, a personage of spirit, not possessing a body of flesh and bones.

Heilagur andi er þriðji meðlimur Guðdómsins og, líkt og nafnið gefur til kynna, þá er hann andavera, sem ekki hefur líkama af holdi og beinum.

 The gift of the Holy Ghost is the right to have, whenever one is worthy, the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

Gjöf heilags anda er sá réttur að njóta samfélags heilags anda, alltaf þegar við erum verðug þess.

 In the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord calls the gift of the Holy Ghost “the unspeakable gift.” It is the source of testimony and spiritual gifts. It enlightens minds, fills our souls with joy, teaches us all things, and brings forgotten knowledge to our remembrance. The Holy Ghost also will show unto us all things what we should do.

Í Kenningu og sáttmálum segir Drottinn þessa gjöf heilags anda vera „óviðjafnanleg gjöf.“ Hún er uppspretta vitnisburðar og andlegra gjafa. Hún upplýsir hugann, fyllir sálina gleði, fræðir okkur um alla hluti og minnir okkur á það sem fallið hefur í gleymsku. Heilagur andi „mun líka sýna okkur allt það sem okkur ber að gera.

 President James E. Faust said:

James E. Faust forseti sagði:

 „I believe the Spirit of the Holy Ghost is the greatest guarantor of inward peace in our unstable world. It can be more mind-expanding and can make us have a better sense of well-being than any chemical or other earthly substance. It will calm nerves; it will breathe peace to our souls. This Comforter can be with us as we seek to improve. It can function as a source of revelation to warn us of impending danger and also help keep us from making mistakes. It can enhance our natural senses so that we can see more clearly, hear more keenly, and remember what we should remember. It is a way of maximizing our happiness.

Ég trúi að heilagur andi sé best til þess fallinn að tryggja okkur innri frið í ótryggum heimi. Hann getur veitt okkur meiri skilning, vellíðan og lífshamingju en nokkur efnablanda megnar að gera eða önnur jarðnesk lausn.  Hann megnar að róa taugarnar; hann blæs frið í sál okkar. Þessi huggari getur verið með okkur þegar við reynum að bæta okkur. Hann getur veitt okkur opinberun til að vara okkur við hættu, svo og til að varast mistök. Hann getur skerpt náttúruleg skynfæri okkar, svo við fáum séð skýrar, heyrt betur og munað eftir því sem muna þarf. Á þann hátt hámarkar hann gleði okkar.

 The Spirit—the Holy Ghost—will help us work out our insecurities. For instance, it can help us learn to forgive. There comes a time when people must move on, seeking greater things rather than being consumed by the memory of some hurt or injustice. Dwelling constantly on past injuries is, by its nature, limiting to the Spirit. It does not promote peace.

Heilagur andi mun hjálpa okkur að sigrast á óöryggi okkar. Hann getur til dæmis hjálpað okkur að fyrirgefa. Það kemur að því að fólk þarf að segja skilið við særandi minningar ranglætis, sem það hefur látið stjórnast af, og sækjast eftir einhverju háleitara.  Ef við dveljum stöðugt við særindi fortíðar, þá mun það takmarka andann. Við fáum þá síður notið friðar.

 The Holy Ghost will also help us solve crises of faith. The Spirit of the Holy Ghost can be a confirming witness, testifying of heavenly things. Through that Spirit, a strong knowledge distills in one’s mind, and one feels all doubt or questions disappear.“

Heilagur andi mun líka hjálpa okkur að leysa trúarkreppur. Heilagur andi getur verið öruggt vitni, með því að vitan um það sem himneskt er. Þessi andi vekur í huga okkar trausta þekkingu, svo allur efi hverfur með öllu.

 In the marvelous experience of Brigham Young in February of 1847, when the Prophet Joseph appeared to him in a dream or vision, Brigham pleaded to be reunited with the Prophet. Brigham Young asked the Prophet if he had a message for the Brethren. The Prophet said:

Þegar Brigham Young hlaut þá dásamlegu upplifun í febrúar 1847, að sjá spámanninn Joseph í draumi eða sýn, þá bað hann þess heitt að fá að sameinast honum að nýju. Brigham Young spurði spámanninn hvort hann hefði einhvern boðskap til bræðranna. Spámaðurinn sagði:

 “Tell the people to be humble and faithful, and to be sure to keep the spirit of the Lord and it will lead them right. Be careful and not turn away the still small voice; it will teach them what to do and where to go; it will yield the fruits of the kingdom. Tell the people to keep their hearts open to conviction, so that when the Holy Ghost comes to them, their hearts will be ready to receive it.”

“Segðu fólkinu að vera auðmjúkt og staðfast og hafa örugglega anda Drottins, sem mun leiða það rétta leið. Að gæta sín á að hrekja ekki burt hina lágu og hljóðlátu rödd; hún mun segja því hvað gera skal og hvert fara skal; hún mun bera ávexti ríkisins. Segðu fólkinu að vera opið í hjarta, svo að það verði viðbúið í hjarta að hlýða á heilagan anda, þegar hann kemur til að sannfæra það.“

 The Prophet further directed Brigham Young as follows: “They can tell the Spirit of the Lord from all other spirits; it will whisper peace and joy to their souls; it will take malice, hatred, strife and all evil from their hearts; and their whole desire will be to do good, bring forth righteousness and build up the kingdom of God.”

Spámaðurinn veitti Brigham Young líka þessa leiðsögn: „Hann mun hvísla friði og gleði í sálir þeirra og afmá illgirni, öfund, erjur, og allt illt úr hjörtum þeirra; og þeir munu aðeins þrá að gera gott, koma réttlæti til leiðar og byggja upp ríki Guðs.“

 Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said:

Ölungur Joesph B. Wirthlin sagði:

 „As with all gifts, this gift must be received and accepted to be enjoyed. When priesthood hands were laid upon your head to confirm you a member of the Church, you heard the words, “Receive the Holy Ghost.” This did not mean that the Holy Ghost unconditionally became your constant companion. Scriptures warn us that the Spirit of the Lord will “not always strive with man.”  When we are confirmed, we are given the right to the companionship of the Holy Ghost, but it is a right that we must continue to earn through obedience and worthiness. We cannot take this gift for granted.

Eins og gildir fyrir allar gjafir, verðum við að hljóta þessa gjöf, meðtaka hana og nota hana. Þegar prestdæmishafar lögðu hendur yfir höfuð ykkar til að staðfesta ykkur meðlimi kirkjunnar, heyrðuð þið orðin: “Meðtak heilagan anda.”  Þetta þýðir ekki að heilagur andi varð skilyrðislaust stöðugur förunautur ykkar. Ritningarnar vara okkur við að andi Drottins skuli “ekki ævinlega búa í manninum.” Þegar við erum staðfest, hljótum við rétt á samveru heilags anda, en það er réttur sem við verðum stöðugt að vinna fyrir með hlýðni og verðugleika. Við getum ekki litið á gjöfina sem sjálfsagðan hlut.

 The Holy Ghost will warn us of danger, and it will inspire us to help others in need.

Heilagur andi mun vara okkur við hættum og hann mun hvetja okkur til að hjálpa þeim sem eru hjálparþurfi.

 President Thomas S. Monson counseled us: “We watch. We wait. We listen for that still, small voice. When it speaks, wise men and women obey. Promptings of the Spirit are not to be postponed.”

Thomas S. Monson forseti ráðlagði okkur: “Við lítum í kringum okkur. Við bíðum. Við hlustum á hina hljóðu, smáu rödd. Þegar hún mælir, hlýða vitrir menn og vitrar konur. Innblæstri andans má ekki skjóta á frest.”

 Brothers and sisters, do we turn away the still, small voice? Do we do things that offend the Holy Ghost? Do we allow influences into our homes that drive the Spirit from our homes? The type of entertainment that we permit into our homes will certainly have an impact on the power of the Holy Ghost. Much of the entertainment of the world is offensive to the Holy Ghost. Surely we should not watch movies or television shows that are filled with violence, vulgar language, and immorality.

Bræður og systur, snúum við hinni hljóðu, smáu röddu frá?  Gerum við eitthvað sem misbýður heilögum anda?  Leyfum við áhrif á heimilum okkar sem reka andann brott þaðan?  Sú tegund afþreygingar, sem við leyfum á heimilum okkar, mun áreiðanlega hafa áhrif á kraft heilags anda. Mikið af afþreygingu heimsins er heilögum anda andstyggð. Við eigum sannlega ekki að horfa á kvikmyndir eða sjónvarpsþætti þar sem fram kemur ofbeldi, blótsyrði eða ósiðsemi.

 I invite you to ponder individually in a humble and prayerful manner and ask yourself: “Do I have the Spirit in my life? Am I happy? Am I doing anything in my life that is offensive to the Spirit and preventing the Holy Ghost from being my constant companion?” Have the courage to repent, if needed, and again enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

Ég hvet ykkur til að íhuga þetta, hvert fyrir sig, og spyrja ykkur sjálf í auðmýkt og í bænaranda: “Hef ég andann með mér?  Er ég hamingjusamur eða hamingjusöm?  Geri ég eitthvað sem misbýður andanum og veld því að heilagur andi sé ekki stöðugur förunautur minn?”  Búið að hugrekki til að iðrast, þegar þess er þörf, til að njóta samfélags heilags anda á ný.

 Do we enjoy the influence of the Holy Ghost in our homes? Are we doing anything as a family that is offensive to the Spirit? Can we more effectively invite the Holy Ghost into our homes?

Njótum við áhrifa heilags anda á heimili okkar?  Gerum við eitthvað sem fjölskylda sem misbýður andanum?  Hvernig getum við boðið heilögum anda enn betur inn á heimili okkar?

 In these perilous times, we need this unspeakable gift in our lives.

Á þessum hættulegu tímum þörfnumst við þessarar ólýsanlegu gjafar í lífi okkar.

 President Boyd K. Packer reminds us: “We need not live in fear of the future. We have every reason to rejoice and little reason to fear. If we follow the promptings of the Spirit, we will be safe, whatever the future holds. We will be shown what to do.”

Boyd K. Packer forseti áminnir okkur: “Við þurfum ekki að óttast framtíðina. Við höfum fulla ástæðu til að fagna og litla ástæðu til að óttast. Ef við fylgjum innblæstri andans, munum við vera örugg, sama hvað framtíðin ber í skauti sér. Okkur mun sýnt hvað gera á.”

 The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the Saints could distinguish the gift of the Holy Ghost from all other spirits, for “it will whisper peace and joy to their souls; it will take malice, hatred, strife and all evil from their hearts; and their whole desire will be to do good, bring forth righteousness and build up the kingdom of God.”

Spámaðurinn Joseph kenndi að hinir heilögu gætu greint gjöf heilags anda frá öllum öðrum öndum, því “hann mun blása friði og gleði í sál þeirra; hann mun reka illgirni, hatur, deilur og allt illt úr hjörtum þeirra; og öll þrá þeirra mun vera sú að gera gott, færa fram réttlæti og að byggja upp ríki Guðs.”

 President Thomas S. Monson said:

Thomas S. Monson forseti sagði:

  “In the performance of our responsibilities, I have learned that when we heed a silent prompting and act upon it without delay, our Heavenly Father will guide our footsteps and bless our lives and the lives of others. I know of no experience more sweet or feeling more precious than to heed a prompting only to discover that the Lord has answered another person’s prayer through you.”

„Þegar við gerum skyldu okkar og heyrum hljóðláta hvatningu og fylgjum henni, án þess að hika, þá hef ég lært að himneskur faðir leiðbeinir okkur og blessar líf okkar og líf annarra. Ég þekki enga tilfinningu eins ljúfa og þá að fylgja ábendingu, einungis til að komast að því að Drottinn hefur svarað bænum annarrar persónu í gegnum þig.”

 While President Monson was serving as a bishop, he learned that a member of his ward, Mary Watson, was in the hospital. As he went to visit her, he learned that she was staying in a large room with several other patients. When he approached Sister Watson, he noticed that the patient in a neighboring bed quickly covered her head.

Þegar Monson forseti þjónaði sem biskup, heyrði hann eitt sinn að einn safnaðarmeðlimur deildar hans, Mary Watson væri komin á spítala. Þegar hann heimsótti hana komst hann að því að hún var í stórri stofu með nokkrum öðrum sjúklingum. Þegar hann nálgaðist systur Watson tók hann eftir því að sjúklingurinn í næsta rúmi breiddi snögglega yfir höfuð sér.

 After President Monson had visited with Sister Watson and given her a priesthood blessing, he shook her hand, said good-bye, and prepared to leave. Then a simple but amazing thing happened. I quote now from President Monson’s own recollection of this experience:

Eftir að hafa heimsótt systur Watson og veitt henni blessun, tók Monson foreseti í hönd hennar, kvaddi og bjóst til heimferðar. Þá gerðist nokkuð einfalt en undravert. Ég vitna nú beint í orð Monsons forseta úr minningum hans af þessari reynslu.

“I could not leave her side. It was as though an unseen hand [was] resting on my shoulder, and I felt within my soul that I was hearing these words: ‘Go over to the next bed where the little lady covered her face when you came in.’ I did so. …

„Ég gat ekki yfirgefið hana. Það var eins og ósýnileg hönd lægi á öxl minni og í sál minni fannst mér ég heyra þessi orð: ,Farðu að næsta rúmi, þar sem litla konan breiddi yfir andlit sitt, er þú komst inn.‘ Ég gerði það. …

“I approached the bedside of the other patient, gently tapped her shoulder and carefully pulled back the sheet which had covered her face. Lo and behold! She, too, was a member of my ward. I had not known she was a patient in the hospital.

„Ég nálgaðist rúm hins sjúklingsins, bankaði létt á öxl hennar og dró sængina varlega frá andliti hennar. Og viti menn! Hún var líka í deildinni minni. Mér var ókunnugt um að hún væri sjúklingur á spítalanum.

Her name was Kathleen McKee. When her eyes met mine, she exclaimed through her tears, ‘Oh, Bishop, when you entered that door, I felt you had come to see me and bless me in response to my prayers. I was rejoicing inside to think that you would know I was here, but when you stopped at the other bed, my heart sank, and I knew that you had not come to see me.’

Hún hét Kathleen McKee. Þegar hún horfðist í augu mér, sagði hún í gegnum tárin; ,Ó biskup, þegar þú komst inn um dyrnar, fannst mér þú hafa komið til að heimsækja mig og blessa mig, sem svar við bænum mínum. Ég gladdist í hjarta yfir að þú skildir vita að ég væri hér, en þegar þú fórst að hinu rúminu, þá hvarf sú von, því mér varð ljóst að þú hefðir ekki komið til að heimsækja mig’.

“I said to [Sister] McKee: ‘It does not matter that I didn’t know you were here. It is important, however, that our Heavenly Father knew and that you had prayed silently for a priesthood blessing. It was He who prompted me to intrude on your privacy.’”

„Ég sagði við [systur] McKee: ‚Það skiptir engu að ég vissi ekki að þú værir hér. Það er hinsvegar mikilvægt að himneskur faðir vissi það og að þú hafðir beðið hljóðlega um prestdæmisblessun. Það var hann sem hvatti mig til að rjúfa friðhelgi þína.”

I have witnessed undeniably how much the comforter have been blessing me of peace and comfort during my times of indescribable longingness and emptiness in my life‘s difficulties and challenges. I have felt the reassuring comfort of the spirit that, that day will come and that everything will work out fine and fall unto place.

 Ég hef óyggjandi upplifað blessanir friðar og huggunar þessa huggara, á mínum einmana og erfiðu stundum í lífinu. Ég hef upplifað þá hughreystingu andans um að sá dagur muni koma að allt muni fara vel og vera eins og það á að vera.

I am so greatful that i had this oppurtunity to speak to you today. Not only have I learned more about of the gift of the Holy Ghost but my understanding and testimony of its unspeakable gift have also increased.  I testify that the Holy Ghost is real, that Heavenly Father lives and so does His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ég er afar þakklát fyrir að fá tækifæri til að tala til ykkar í dag. Ég hef ekki aðeins lært meira um gjöf heilaga anda, heldur hefur skilningur minn og vitnisburður vaxið á þessari ólýsanlegu gjöf. Ég ber vitni um að heilagur andi er raunverulegur, að himneskur faðir lifir, svo og hans ástkæri sonur, Jesús Kristur, amen.

Perlynda Gunnarsson, sakramentissamkoma 24th of April, 2016

Ponder What The Savior Means To You!

We may not know, we cannot tell,
What pains he had to bear,
But we believe it was for us
He hung and suffered there.

Ponder what the Savior means to all humanity—

and to you personally.

And then share the good news.

Hear the Lord say,

“Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.” 

It was through reading the scriptures, and listening, that I could understand, at least in part, the power of the Atonement. Can you imagine how I felt when finally I could see that if I followed whatever conditions the Redeemer had set, I need never endure the agony of being spiritually unclean? Imagine the consoling, liberating, exalting feeling that will come to you when you see the reality of the Atonement and the practical everyday value of it to you individually.

You need not know everything before the power of the Atonement will work for you.

Have faith in Christ; it begins to work the day you ask!

What is the Atonement?

As used in the scriptures, to atone is to suffer the penalty for sins, thereby removing the effects of sin from the repentant sinner and allowing him or her to be reconciled to God. Jesus Christ was the only one capable of carrying out the Atonement for all mankind. Because of His Atonement, all people will be resurrected, and those who obey His gospel will receive the gift of eternal life with God.

It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed.

We can become virtuous and pure.

See a simple demonstration showing how the atonement cleans every sin and transgression!

“Why not speak of the atonement of Christ?”

If you want to learn more and get a deeper understanding about the atonement of Christ,

then click on the image below!



Iceland Holds Europe and America Together!

Þingvellir National Park (pronounced Thingvellir) [1] is a national park in South Iceland and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park is home to the world’s longest running Parliament, first established in 930 AD, and also has a dramatic landscape formed as a result of sitting along the border between the North American and European tectonic plates.

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Diving in the Tectonic Plate Gap

Between Europe and America!

According to the continental drift theory the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates are continuously drifting apart with great forces under the gaping rifts. As the plates diverge, linear fractures, known as fissures form due to stresses created by the tension that builds up as the plates move away from each other.
The Bridge between two continents at Sandvík is a small footbridge over a major fissure which provides clear evidence of the presence of a diverging plate margin. The bridge was built as a symbol for the connection between Europe and North America

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Map showing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge splitting Iceland and separating the North American and Eurasian Plates

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Laki or Lakagígar is a volcanic fissure in the south of Iceland, not far from the canyon of Eldgjá and the small village Kirkjubæjarklaustur. Lakagígar is the correct name, as Laki mountain itself did not erupt, but fissures opened up on each side of it. Lakagígar is part of a volcanic system centered on the Grímsvötn volcano and including the Þórðarhyrna volcano. It lies between the glaciers of Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull, in an area of fissures that run in a southwest to northeast direction.

The system erupted over an eight-month period between 1783 and 1784 from the Laki fissure and the adjoining Grímsvötn volcano, pouring out an estimated 14 km3 (3.4 cu mi) of basalt lava and clouds of poisonous hydrofluoric acid and sulfur dioxide compounds that killed over 50% of Iceland’s livestock population, leading to a famine that killed approximately 25% of the island’s human population.

The Laki eruption and its aftermath caused a drop in global temperatures, as sulfur dioxide was spewed into the Northern Hemisphere. This caused crop failures in Europe and may have caused droughts in India. The eruption has been estimated to have killed over six million people globally, making the eruption the deadliest in historical times.


Top 10 Natural Disasters in The World!

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1783 Iceland Eruption Video!

Teamwork Divides The Effort And Multiplies The Effect!

“Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler.”

Proverbs 6:6


It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants.

The question is: What are we busy about?

When you form a team, why do you try to form a team? Because teamwork builds trust and trust builds speed.
Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.

The Giant Awakens – Eruption continues at full force!

 Bárðarbunga (“Bow-thar-bungar” in English) the giant Icelandic stratovolcano is already awaken according to Icelandic scientists. Bárðarbunga lies beneath the NW part of the Vatnajökull icecap, NW of Grímsvötn volcano, and contains a subglacial 700-m-deep caldera. It rises to 2,009 m (6,591 feet) above sea level, making it the second highest mountain in Iceland.

Bárðarbunga last had a major eruption in 1477 when it produced a large ash and pumice fall-out deposit. Bárðarbunga also produced the largest known lava flow during the past 10,000 years on earth.


Bárðarbunga volcano – livestream!


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Amazing pictures of the eruption in Holuhraun. The crack that is erupting is nearly a kilometer and a half long and the bursts of lava are between 20 and 70 meters high. The flow of lava is roughly equivalent to the flow of Iceland’s greatest river.

See Photo Gallery Of The Eruption And Much More Of Iceland!


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